
Is outsourcing cancer registry services the right decision for your program?

Whether you are facing staff vacancies or simply need a level of expertise offered by a company with 28 years experience in the cancer informatics industry, OncoTeam can offer an affordable and personalized  solution to keep your process moving efficiently.

OncoTeam’s process is safe and HIPAA-compliant. We have a team of highly qualified and experienced Certified Tumor Registrars.  We specialize in remote abstracting solutions.

When making the decision to outsource part of all of your facility’s cancer registry operations, ask yourself a few questions:

  • Do you need a temporary solution to help clear a backlog of casefinding, abstracting or other registry needs?
  • Are you looking for a long-term outsourcing solution to make your in-house process more efficient and effective?
  • Do you need comprehensive cancer registry services, or just an enhancement to your facility’s capabilities?
  • What is the timeframe for your immediate needs?

Contact OncoTeam to to learn how outsourcing your cancer registry services can benefit your program.